When I came to London, I experienced many different things such as food, culture shock, and how you transport around a city. I didn’t realize how different many things were because I thought that the things I was used to doing daily at home were normal. It was so normalized in my brain, which I am now realizing is a negative thing, but I’m glad I am getting to go out of my realm and explore new things! Some of the major things that were different were the traffic and pedestrian style, the fast-paced style of locals in London, and the variety of foods that all tasted amazing.
With the traffic in London, the first and obvious difference is how it all goes in opposite directions. It scares me at times for the drivers because the drivers’ side in the cars and busses is switched, so it feels so much easier to have a head-on collision, and the chances of dying are so much higher. But one thing I do feel is more safer is how pedestrians can cross the road now. Instead of one yellow pedestrian warning sign, there are two flashing yellow lights and a small sign in the middle of the road to indicate people can cross here. Even though these are here, almost everyone illegally crosses the road. The lights at stop lights take forever to turn green for pedestrians, and people have to make their trains or buses. I have learned the patience of Londoners is very small also when it comes to getting places on time and making the right public transportation routes.
With little patience from Londoners, the super fast-paced lifestyle also comes into effect. Everyone walks so much faster, which I enjoy because people in the United States usually walk so slowly. Slow walkers agitate me and when I came to London, I surprisingly felt like I fit in because I was walking just as fast as the people next to me. Also, going into the tubes is so simple because you are supposed to stand on the right side and allow people on the left side to walk or run down the stairs so people can make their tubes. It makes the whole environment so much quicker since the tubes are fast too, it can be overstimulating sometimes, but my mind loves it because my mind is always moving and thinking about random stuff. When everyone is getting off of work, the men in suits walk so fast so they can beat the rush. It is kind of crazy how fast they move, but I am here for it to be honest. If you want to go at a slow pace, you can but people would get annoyed with you.
I have so much to say about the foods I have had in London. I have tried more new foods than I have in my whole time in the United States. Even the chain restaurants here are so much better tasting and better quality than in the United States. I went to the Italian Restaurant in the neighborhood of Soho in London due to its surprisingly good prices and the amazing pictures I have been seeing. I walk in and it looks like a 5-star restaurant with dim lighting, fancy white table lining, and dark flooring. I sat at this tree that was in the middle of the restaurant, with a white counter wrapping around it. I ordered this pasta that was cheesy, creamy and tasted like heaven. I also had some Chinese food in Chinatown that was amazing. It was authentic and tasted like nothing I’ve had before. I am amazed at how every variety of food I tried was amazing.